
#45 – Lue Elizondo Pt. VI – Ultraterrestrials II

In today’s episode we finish of the paper by Hal Puthoff called Ultraterrestrial Models. Before we get into that we share some videos. Daryl Aynka (the man who channels Bashar) talks about AI and what it really is. We share a video by a man who claims that looking a lasers on DMT can let…

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#44 – Lue Elizondo Pt. V – Ultraterrestrials

Today we go back to into Lue Elizondo and his book Imminent to get a taste of what Lue learned from Hal Puthoff. We start the show talking about a video response that Graham Hancock made to his debate with Flint Dibble on Joe Rogan’s Podcast. We also watch the trailer for Graham Hancock’s new…

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#43 – Lue Elizondo Pt. IV – The Wilson-Davis Memo

Today’s episode continues coverage of Lue Elizondo’s book Imminent. Specifically, we dive deep into his meeting Erik Davis and the Wilson-Davis Memo. You can find a copy of the memo linked below from The Wilson-Davis Memo is a memo written up by Erik Davis after his Meeting with Vice Admiral Thomas R. Wilson in…

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#42 – Lue Elizondo Pt. III – The Colares Incident

Today’s episode is a continuation of our series on Lue Elizondo’s Imminent. We start off with another message from our number one fan where she talks about synchronicities that have happened to her. We cover another Anton Petrov video. This one is about a study that proves we can use nuclear weapons to redirect an…

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#41 – Lue Elizondo The Remote Viewer

It isn’t something that Lew Elizondo has talked about on many of the interviews we’ve seen him on but as he write in his book, he was trained as a remote viewer. Before we get into that, we start the show off with some comments from listeners. One is dead set that Lue is really…

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#40 – Panpsychism, Morphic Resonance & Cymatics

Today’s episode just sort of came together on it’s own without any real planning. We start out covering new study that tries to explain all the eccentric orbits of the outer solar system objects. There’s a possibility that early in the life of the solar system a star flew nearby and wrecked havoc. In the…

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#39 – Lue Elizondo – Imminent Pt. I

UFOs, UAPs, Foo Fighters, they’ve gone by different names over the years. Today we start a new series on Luis (Lue) Elizondo’s new book titled “Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFO’s.” Drew starts the episode off sharing a couple more Bashar clips. What was the purpose of the Pyramids of Giza? How can you…

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#38 – Secret History of the World Pt. IX

Today’s show starts with a fun romp through the history of our species as by Darryl Anka, the man who channels Bashar. We’ll take us through a simplified and slightly modified version of the Sumerian myth. In the second segment we watch an interesting video that claims to show an orb flying around on surveillance…

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#36 – Lue Elizondo, Daniel Sheehan & UFOs

UFOs, USOs or UAPs, whatever they’re called we’re talking about them today. There was a great interview with Lue Elizondo on the Joe Rogan Experience and the brothers are here to talk about it. Before we get into that, we start with a couple of smaller but interesting stories. Stories include the idea that apparently…

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