#11 – Secret History of the World Pt. III

Part 3 of Secret History of the World is here. In this episode we cover the formation of higher forms of animals, the god Oannes and the Sons of God who came down to earth and took human women for wives creating the giants. We also cover an idea that the ancients understood a form of evolution and their spin on the idea. What are unicorns and what do they represent? Why did many of the civilizations of the ancients have the same astrological system even if there were different names applied? Were the Neanderthals the giants? We also talk about the Egyptian story of Osiris and Set and how that story has mirrors in other cultures. Strap in for more of the Duality Check mystery school!


The god Oannes of the ancient Mesopotamian culture. Could he have been the same character as Poseidon?

We travel through the zodiac counter clockwise as the months change throughout the year. However for the “Great Year,” or precession of the equinoxes, we travel through the zodiac is a clockwise direction. That is why Pisces which we are leaving now is followed by the age of Aquarius. Graham Hancock discusses this at great lengths in his books.

This graphic depicts the precession of the equinoxes. Where we are now in the precession, out current north star is Polaris but in another 13,000 years the north star will be Vega.

Hamlet’s Mill is a book I’ve heard a lot about from the like of Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson but, I have yet to read it. So here’s the description from Amazon:

A seminal work of scientific and philosophical exploration. Ever since the Greeks coined the language we commonly use for scientific description, mythology and science have developed separately. But what if we could prove that all myths have one common origin in a celestial cosmology? What if the gods, the places they lived, and what they did are but ciphers for celestial activity, a language for the perpetuation of complex astronomical data?

The creepy af anglerfish. It’s protrusion from its head coming from the location of the pineal gland. Nightmare fuel!

According the The Secret History, the unicorn represents the pineal gland.

My album with my buddy Carlo (M.Born).We called our duo Soul Food. We made “First Course” with the collaboration of a ton of extremely talented local Sacramento artists. It’s on Apple Music and Spotify if you’re interested in a listen.

It’s my only released album but if you like his style, you can check out his other albums on Apple Music and Spotify.

The Buddhas of Bamiyan. Here’s a wikipedia article about them for you to take with a healthy grain of salt.

AI Fail of the Week:

I asked for Neanderthals who looked viscous. I learned that apparently Neanderthals hunted mammoth with guns! I also got a lecture from the AI saying that I was being disrespectful to them.

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  • 0:00:00 – Intro
  • 0:04:11 – Oannes
  • 0:13:29 – The Sons of God
  • 0:24:14 – The Titans
  • 0:30:49 – Music Break
  • 0:32:18 – Drew’s Beer Review
  • 0:34:50 – Evolution, Astronomy, Zodiac
  • 0:49:12 – Early Animals
  • 0:55:13 – Unicorns Symbolize the Pineal
  • 1:00:50 – Music Break
  • 1:03:02 – About the Break Music
  • 1:04:51 – Astrological Similarities Around the World
  • 1:10:55 – Ancient Understanding of Evolution
  • 1:18:05 – The Giants and Other Mythological Creatures
  • 1:28:57 – Music Break
  • 1:31:34 – The Neanderthals
  • 1:39:14 – Assassination of the Green King
  • 1:51:02 – What Does it All Mean?
  • 2:05:08 – Outro

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